Delivery Date: |
Return Date: |
Apple Scooter is Fully Booked until Thursday, December 12, 2024. |
Delivery Time: |
Return Time: |
Delivery hours available between 8AM to 8PM, 7 days a week. |
Number of Scooter:
Guest Weight:
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Free Delivery and Pickup to Anaheim/Disneyland Area Hotel
Other Location or Information: |
First Name: |
Last Name: |
Address 1: |
Address 2: |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Mobile Phone Number: |
eMail Address: |
It's imperative that you can be reach during your stay at Anaheim. |
Credit Card #: |
Expiration Date: |
Scooter Store 2221 E. Winston Rd, Unit P. Anaheim, CA 92806 |
Rental rates is the
TOTAL Price excluding sales tax of 7.75%, Which Includes *FREE Delivery and Pickup.
* Free
Delivery is available in a 1 miles radius of the Disneyland. |
are available to qualified customers only.Minimum drivers age is 18
years old. Rentals are subject to availability. |
Copyright 2005-2015,
Apple Scooter Corp. All rights reserved. |
* Rental Rates is the TOTAL Price, Which Includes Delivery and Pickup. Sales Tax are not Included. |
4 Wheel Model Also Available. |
The Best Transportable 3 Wheel Scooter for Park Hopping.
3 Wheel Design Allows for a Highly Maneuverable 34 Inch Turning Radius, with 175 Lbs Weight Capacity.
Top Speed of 4.5 MPH and a Cruising Range of 12 Miles.
Now with 20% Higher Capacity 21 amp-hour batteries for extended range.
Free Delivery/Pickup |
Each Additional Day. |
$ 10 |
The Most Luxurious 3 Wheel Scooter Available. This Sleek Sporty Scooter Delivers Superior Comfort for a Long Day at the Disneyland.
3 Wheel Design Allows for High Maneuverability, 43 Inch Turning Radius with 350+ Lbs Capacity.
Top Speed of 5.25 MPH and a Cruising Range of up to 16 Miles.
LED Headlights, Sliding Seat, Easy Grip Delta Tiller with Wraparound Handles.
Each Additional Day. |
$ 10 |
SX5 - Light Weight Manual Wheelchair by Invacare |
The Invacare SX5 is designed to meet the needs of active users. Its lightweight and foldes easily for transport.
Highly durable, and provides enhanced fit and function with 300 Lbs Capacity.
Seat Width: 16 (80-135Lbs), 18 (140 to 195Lbs), 20 (190 to 275Lbs) Inches.
Weight 31 Lbs with standard Legrest, elevated leg rest available at no additional charge.
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